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Hoehne School District RE-3

The Center of Educational Excellence



About Hoehne FFA

Hoehne FFA is part of the Vocational Agriculture program at Hoehne School The purpose of vocational agriculture and FFA is to educate students about the endless opportunities agriculture and industry has for them. We accomplish task through inventive and current teaching strategies, Supervised Agricultural Experience Projects, and leadership development.


Hoehne FFA's Mission

Provide opportunities for students to become successful in agricultural and vocational industries through premier leadership, personal growth, and career success.


Our Vision

We envision a future where all our graduates are well-prepared to succeed in college, career, and life. We strive to cultivate critical thinkers, problem-solvers, and compassionate individuals who will make a positive impact on their communities and the world through agricultural endeavors.


Core Values

Our FFA member live the motto, Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live and Living to Serve. FFA members rise to the challenge of service embracing members of all walks of life united through FFA. We embrace every individual's contribution to advance our community and the industry of agriculture.

Lauryn VanMatre wearing FFA jacket and standing by FFA emblem for winning 2025 FFA LDE Creed Speaking contest.