Becoming a member of the Hoehne National Honor Society (NHS) is both an honor and a responsibility. The attributes required of those who aspire to be in NHS include acquiring a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 over three semesters in a row, and earning high ratings on the nomination forms submitted by all faculty and administration. The nomination forms rank students in four areas: scholarship, character, leadership, and service. A student must attain an 80 percent or better in the compilation of points between the grade point average and the faculty ranking.
Students are eligible for the Honor Roll every quarter. Students who recieve a 4.0 cumulative grade point average for the quarter are on the Superintendent’s Honor Roll. Students who recieve a cumulative grade point average between 3.5 and 3.99 are on the Principal’s Honor Roll.
2024-2025 3rd Quarter Honor Roll
2024-2025 2nd Quarter Honor Roll
2024-2025 1st Quarter Honor Roll
2023-2024 4th Quarter Honor Roll
2023-2024 3rd Quarter Honor Roll